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Pre-marriage Counseling: Journeying Through Reproductive Loss with Hope for Couples

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Journeying Through Reproductive Loss with Hope can be experienced by an individual or couple and does not require a pastor, counselor, or layperson to  experience it, however, it is recommended.

Journeying Through Reproductive Loss with Hope
equips individuals within the faith-based community with the necessary tools to effectively address potential losses within marriage or pre-marriage counseling sessions. Through Journeying Through Reproductive Loss with Hope, participants will gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to engage in meaningful conversations surrounding this complex issue.

These sessions create a safe and compassionate space where individuals can explore grief, find comfort, and begin to envision a future filled with hope. By incorporating faith-based perspectives, the program integrates spiritual beliefs and values to help individuals find strength and comfort in their relationship with God throughout the healing process. The sessions provide practical tools, strategies, and a framework for couples to embrace healing and restoration or comfort those journeying through reproductive loss.

What's included?

  • 6 Modules
  • Video Instruction
  • Navigating Reproductive Loss Workbook
  • Valuable Resources
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